Certicos Community Building
Air Drop Rebate to Metamask Wallet
Effective 4/23/2023- 6/15/2023
In an effort to build community with the Certicos Token
prior to IDO launch and listing on Centralized Exchanges; we are implementing an Air Drop of
Certicos Tokens to those users that purchase Certicos Tokens on the Certicosign platform
and move any portion to an off site wallet, and then back again to Certicos.

The Certicos Tokens must be moved between 4/23/2023 thru 6/15/2023 and
retained through the period up and until 6/15/2023 in which funds need to be
returned to the users Certicos wallet. This requires the user to move off site, and
then back to the Certicos site on or before 6/15/2023. At that point we will close the
Airdrop criteria and reward those users that qualified by moving off the site, and
then back on the site with an Airdrop of 25% more Certicos Tokens based on the
total balance that was moved and moved back again.

Here is an example of how that works:

Let's say User# 9999 has 1,000 Certicos Tokens in their account, and they move
500 on May 1st to an offsite wallet, then next day they move back to your Certicosign
waallet 1 day later the entire amount of 500 Certicos Tokens is moved back. As long
as those 500 Tokens now remain on the Certicos Plaform up and until June 15th, 20243;
the User will receive and aditional 125 Certicos Tokens to their Certicos Wallet.

Instructions to move Certicos to MetaMask